报告题目:New Chemical Tools for Peptide Modification
陈弓,1998年本科毕业于南京大学化学系,2004年于美国哥伦比亚大学化学系获得生物有机化学博士学位。2005-2008年,在美国斯隆-凯特琳癌症研究中心进行博士后工作。2008年起在美国宾州州立大学化学系独立开展教学科研工作,2014年获得终身副教授职位。2015年起,在南开大学元素有机化学国家重点实验室全职工作。课题组主要从事复杂糖肽类化合物的有机合成及其化学生物学研究。2022年起,担任Organic Letters杂志副主编。
Selective biomolecule modification techniques are crucial to advancing modern biopharmaceuticals. As the field rapidly evolves, the demand for new crosslinking methods that offer greater precision, flexibility, and practicality has become paramount. Crosslinking biomolecules via their native endogenous functional groups, as opposed to post-introduced exogenous reaction handles, provides significant advantages in simplicity and accessibility. However, practical methods of this kind have been largely limited to those based on thiol groups, which, despite their distinct reactivity and specificity, are naturally scarce. To expand this native modification toolkit, leveraging other common functional groups within biomolecules and bioactive compounds, particularly the ubiquitous amino groups is vital. In this lecture, we will discuss our recent exploration of modifying native peptides and proteins through amino handles with simple aldehyde reagents such as formaldehyde, ortho-phthalaldehyde, alpha-ketoaldehydes, and glyoxylic acid under mild conditions.